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Frequently Asked Questions

What are open challenges and what are they for?

Open challenges are a section of the platform where companies register their business problems or challenges and are willing to receive possible solutions from startups for their challenges. Upon receiving solution proposals, companies can filter, analyze, and choose the one that best fits the created challenge.

How do I register a solution?

To register a solution in an open challenge, you need to register on the Distrito platform. If you are already part of our ecosystem, simply log in; if not, register by clicking on "Submit a Solution" within any proposed challenge.

Who can register a solution for a challenge?

Any startup can submit a solution, provided it is properly registered on the Distrito platform. We suggest that you carefully read the proposed challenge and ensure that your startup meets the requested requirements.

How many challenges can I register for?

There is no limit to registering for challenges.

How many solutions can I submit for a challenge?

You can submit one solution per challenge. You can edit it until the deadline for submitting the solution.

How do I register a challenge?

You can create a challenge by accessing the "Challenge Management" menu. On the challenges page, click the "Launch a Challenge" button in the top right corner. You will need to fill in all the mandatory fields and move the challenge to the Solutions Search stage, where you can open the challenge to the Distrito ecosystem. To open your challenge, simply click on "Add Solutions" and then on "Launch Open Challenge".

Where can I access the challenges?

Challenges are available within the platform in the Open Challenges section and on the public challenges page.

Can I promote a challenge?

Yes, you can share a challenge on Facebook, LinkedIn, and X.